Motorcycle locksmiths are experts in dealing with lock issues that specifically relate to motorcycles. This includes anything from padlocks and helmet locks to key ignitions, gas cap locks and bike bag locks. While many automotive locksmiths can deal with these types of issues, a specialist can work more quickly and efficiently to solve problems related to motorcycle security.
Motorcycle padlocks and chains are designed to make it more difficult for thieves to steal bikes. They typically have a shackle shroud and keyway protection, as well as cutting and pulling resistance. However, these kinds of locks are not foolproof, and there is a good chance that they will eventually break or fail due to wear and tear. A mobile motorcycle locksmith can often fix these kinds of locks, even when they are badly damaged.
Helmet locks are a common type of motorcycle security, but they are not foolproof either. In fact, there are ways for a skilled professional to cut through a helmet lock without much difficulty. The main thing that you can do to improve the security of your helmet is to use a high-quality lock with a chain, and to make sure that it is locked in a very secure position.
A good rule of thumb when it comes to helmet locks is to test them with spare keys before calling a mobile motorcycle locksmith. If the key works in other locks, then the problem is most likely with the helmet lock itself or its lock cylinder. If the key does not work, then you will need to call a locksmith to repair the lock or replace the entire lock cylinder.
Another thing to keep in mind is that motorcycle key blanks are often softer than those for cars, which makes them more susceptible to bending and deformation from daily use. The best way to avoid these kinds of problems is to invest in a stronger aftermarket blank that is made from stronger metal. The locksmith can usually help you find one that is compatible with your bike.
It is also a good idea to keep a spare motorcycle key in a safe place, just in case it ever gets lost or stolen. This could be a wallet or other safe, or it could be an easy-to-find spot on the frame of your bike. It would be a good idea to also give a spare to a trusted friend or family member, just in case you lose your key while riding.
Whether you need to rekey a lock after moving, or if you have accidentally chipped your motorcycle key while using it in the ignition, a mobile motorcycle locksmith can offer fast and affordable service for these types of situations. They will be able to diagnose the issue and provide the right solution for your specific situation. You should always call a locksmith who deals with these issues on a regular basis, and who has a good reputation online.